I've been exchanging threads still, but that has slowed down due too, not having time to tat with all the new threads.
I've also have started the college hunt again. Right now I am attending a Community College and hope to be away at a four year university in fall 2011. With this, I have been counting down the days until classes start again. Lesson learned, I NEED to take at least one summer class from now on. My brain just feels lazy. This fall is going to be intense, I'm only taking 12 credit hours, but the courses themselves..
General Anthropology M W F 9-9:50
American History 1 M W F 10-10:50
Argument Based Research M W F 11-11:50
Humanties: The Holocaust M 12:30 - 3:15

Other awesome things coming up, Tat Days! My mom and I are going. And I'll be missing a day of classes to go. >.>
I bought some of krystledawne's test HDT batches and have made to bracelets out of it. She warned possible white spots but there have been very few with this one. So, one more plug for my Etsy and to show off these bracelets...